>. Forward Labs

Stop prospecting in logisticsYour job is to sell

Find shippers, research facilities & call decision makers
All in 10 seconds

How we help

Shippers found for you every morning

Netflix recommendation for next best shipper to call – or next 20 – every AM

Research contacts
in 10 seconds

Learn everything you need to make a personal & relevant call, in an instant

Get out of prospecting hell

You know – where you research all day, and never pick up the phone...

Sell like scrolling TikTok

(or your brainless activity of choice, cuz I am not on TikTok neither...)


That's it

Show, don't tell.
Try and see for yourself.

>. Forward Labs help sales reps thrive.
Founded by a team that builds tech companies (some to $1 billion).
Backed by Silicon Valley VCs (with famous LPs).

© Forward Labs. All rights reserved.